
LOX Summary Report: Addendum

A Government commissioned study informing the SERAS Review assumed little improvement in the effectiveness of the ground handling of passenger aircraft – that is, in aircraft stand utilization – at United Kingdom airports over the study period. Significant improvements in these operations were projected in the LOX Study. Thus, for the LOX masterplan to conform with the SERAS assumptions, a greater number of aircraft stands would be required.

Following consultations with the Department for Transport, an option was developed which increased the number of passenger aircraft stands to the SERAS standard – viz. from 157 to 188 – by means of an additional Satellite Terminal. The additional cost would be some £640 million.

These consultations inspired other refinements, principally to the Rail network and long-term car parking, which are incorporated in the following Figures 2.1 and 13a, whilst Figure 2.2 shows the revised proposal incorporating the relocated RAF Brize Norton base:

Revised Master Plan layout
Figure 2.1: Revised Airport layput Larger image (pdf) (426k)

Revised airport field layout
Figure 13a: Revised Field layout Larger image (pdf) (56k)

Revised airport layout including RAF station
Figure 2.2: Revised airport layout including RAF station Larger image (pdf) (442k)


Ove Arup & Partners and Arup Economics & Planning contributed greatly to the engineering, transport, environmental impacts, economic and planning aspects of the LOX project from its inception through to mid 2000. Conflicting commercial interests emerged which led to their withdrawal from the Project Study Team: Arup are not presently associated with the project.


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